The 3rd Future Education Forum & the 5th  International ALCoB Conference

 We  ttended the conference as a member..
And we met  a teachers of our partner schools, Mr. Noel , Mrs. Bragas  and Mr. Jesus L. Huenda, a chairman of DepEd ICT coordinating com. .
 We exchanged opnions on  our cooperative projects,  contest  etc.

Mr. Noel gave a simulation class on Math with Korean students.

1. Dates: Sept. 5(Wed.) ~ 8(Sat.), 2007 [4 days]
2. Venue: Pusan National University, Boonpo Middle School, and Hanwha Resort, Busan, Korea
3. Hosted by: Korean Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development, Korean Ministry  of Information & Communication
4. Organized by: Institute of APEC Collaborative Education (IACE)
5. Supported by: Busan Metropolitan City Office of Education, National Computerization Agency (NCA), ALCoB-Entrepreneur Committee(ALCoB-EC), and Korean Association for Educational Information and Media (KAEIM)

Sept.5  Welcoming Dinner
  ( School Visit & ICT Simulation Class )
The 3rd APEC Future Education Forum

 ( Theme: Designing the Edutainment Park for the APEC future Education )
Sept.7  The 5th International ALCoB Conference

( Report on the ALCoB activities, Proposition of new ALCoB projects etc. )
Sept.8 The 5th International ALCoB Conference

( English Speech Contest, APEC Youth Forum etc. )

*Click any photo what u want to see then u can see bigger one

Welcome Dinner & Culture Exchange




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